Rebecca's Revival
  In Gian S. Pagnucci’s chapter from Narrative Life “Telling Your Own Story” he states, “Living the narrative life is about embracing the stories that make us who we are.”

When I read this statement, I finally figured it out! I remembered why my love of writing was revived. Although writing has been a passion of mine since I learned how to write a sentence, I had lost touch with my writer side over the years. Other things became more important to me, like going out with my friends, making fast money, and the internet kept me occupied for the rest of the time. The internet initially hindered my passion for writing. I didn’t have to write stories anymore to keep myself entertained! There were thousands of people on the internet already writing, so what did I need to write for?

Then, something happened in my life that gave me meaning. I gave birth to an amazing son and suddenly I felt the flow to write again. I had purpose. I had meaning. I wanted him to remember every moment in his life. So, I began to write about my experiences as a mother.

After over a year of recording these experiences, I discovered the blogging world and an overwhelming sense of inspiration was bestowed upon me. Pagnucci states that when writers expose themselves and share their personal experiences, it is only then that the “approach will engage readers” and be compelled to tell their own stories.

Pagnucci’s theory was something that rung true to my own writing. I started to read mommy blogs when different stages of development were occurring in my son’s life. It is only then that I felt compelled to share my own stories with others. That’s when I started my blog and began to share stories with other moms. These blog posts uncover the many pages of my story as a mother. I began and still continue to “live the narrative life” and it feels fabulous!