Rebecca's Revival
The first assignment given by Professor Mangini was presented in an informal fashion. He instructed to send him an email in which we would cover a few topics to give him some insight as to what the students were expecting from the class, as well as a introduction or bio of the student. 

I normally would have gone home and created a fancy word document with wordart, illustrations, and prodigious vocabulary. But, due to my time constraints and the comments from the professor (stressing that the assignment was not graded) I allowed myself to suppress my stress and keep it simple. 

Now, when Professor Mangini mentioned in class that we would be posting our assignments on our blogs I will admit that I slipped into a slight panic mode. Then he mentioned that we could edit our work and my panic subsided. As I reviewed the email that I sent him, I realized that he wasn't half as a bad as I thought. In fact, section B needed to minimal editing. 

Section A I rearranged due to the purpose of the assignment. Although blog posts do usually contain bulleted points, I preferred to formally organize my bullets into a letter to the professor. 

The main reason I decided to change the arrangement was due to the fact that it would be public for all of the world wide web to see. I have aspirations of becoming a writer or a teacher, which applies additional pressure on the samples that are published on-line.

I am currently pursuing a degree in Writing Arts/Elementary Education through the Rowan CGCE program. I found this program through a previous education professor from CCC. I have mostly enjoyed the experiences I've had so far. The program's rigorous schedule has weeded out MOST of the slackers from our program which has been refreshing. There was a time where our cohort struggled to work cohesively which caused catty drama. There were days when I dreaded going to class, but I somehow (with the help of a few other over-achievers in our group) pushed myself through. I am very thankful that I did, and I am excited for an enlightening senior year. 

I am a mother of an almost two year old boy named Braxton.
He is my motivation for succeeding in this program. My husband and I are both in school full-time and work full-time so it's hard to juggle everything that is on my plate. Somehow I manage to make it all work, even though I am a Running on Empty Mommy

I work full-time as a job coach/TA at Kingsway Learning Center in Moorestown. The only reason I originally starting working there was because my best friend's mom was the principal. Yet, it wasn't long before I fell in love with working with the special needs population. Although it's not a glorious job, it is one of the most intrinsically rewarding jobs I've ever had in my life, and believe me I've done it ALL.  I've been a hair colorist/stylist, an insurance rep, retail cashier, bus girl, waitress, bartender, FA representative, nanny, and pre-school teacher. 

I have two semesters left and then off to student teaching! I can't believe how far and how fast this program is flying by.